Want to find the right boat at the right price and transform your boating life overnight? 

ANSWERED:  Your Most Burning Questions About Boat Ownership - Read this entire letter

Are you a First-Time Boater or an Expat Boater and  Sick & Tired of Banging Your Head Against the Wall Trying to Access Boating Freedom And Family Fun Times On The Water?

From the Desk of Dione Schick FCA


Re:  Buying Your Boat

Dear friend,

It's a FACT that most first-time boaters have a bad experience at the boat dealership* and struggle buying their first boat.

Do you want to understand the boat market & boat ownership like a Boat Boss and get on the water with friends and family faster?

Then this framework, training and boat profiling toolkit is the answer you've been looking for.

Hi, I'm Dione Schick, creator and co-founder of BASCO Boating, the most reliable and effective boating platform in Asia-Pacific, helping clients achieve their innermost dreams about life at sea!

*2017 First Time Boat Buyer Research by Grow Boating

A little bit about me...

- As a First-Time Boat Buyer at 48 years of age (yes...some people are much slower than others!), I'd been VERY closely associated with the boat industry for more than 30 years, but we'd never owned a boat before. This means that I totally understand what it's like to worry and fret about picking the right boat at the right price, (and even if we should...like, what a CRAZY idea, I can't afford a boat or so I thought). It was was very scary at the time, but boating totally transformed my and our family's life in incredible ways.

- As a Liveaboard Boater running our global company aboard, we love to share the joys and pleasures of the boating lifestyle in an honest and straight forward way. It's my mission is to help first-time boaters understand the true costs and risks of buying and maintaining a boat, and mostly importantly, even if they should!

- We owned and operated our own Boat Dealership and Service Centre in New Zealand in the 1990's for 11 years. My hubby and co-founder partner William Schick, started when he was 16 as an apprentice marine technician (yes, service and support is in our DNA!) and we took over the business 8 years later, building it into an award winning dealership for sales and service excellence. We had Yamaha, Volvo Penta, Mercruiser dealerships and a range of new boat brands. So if you want ease, reliability and safety of inspection, transaction and dispute resolution, we've got you covered!

"How to Fast-Track Your Results to Picking the Right Boat at the Right Price ..."

I've got an amazing framework for you called "The Blueprint to Unlocking Boat Ownership Secrets!"

It makes it EASY for you to master insider info like a Boat Buying Guru so you can focus on exactly the right boat and the right price, and knowing exactly what steps it takes to get there, you can understand the boat market & boat ownership like a Boat Boss.

If you've been struggling to understand the market and the non-transparent boat prices and industry practices, then this framework is the answer you've been looking for.

Claim your access now and we'll get you started with The Blueprint to Unlocking Boat Ownership Secrets! immediately.

"The Blueprint to Unlocking Boat Ownership Secrets!"

The Blueprint to Unlocking Boat Ownership Secrets ($497 Value)

and The Boat Buyers Toolkit Bonus

 BONUS #1 Boat Industry Secrets (The 4 things boat dealers don't want you to know and     what to do about it) ($47 Value)

 BONUS #2 How to Buy a Boat-The 3 Stages to Boat Buying, without making a costly mistake ($97 Value)

 BONUS #3 Boat Buyers Profiling Tool & Boat Wish List Keeper ($297 Value)

 BONUS #4 VIP Lifetime access to the 2-Day Boat Buyer Expo ($69 Value)

 BONUS #5 Your Boating Lifestyle "IQ" Report ($250 Value)

 BONUS #6 Boat Ownership Secrets UNLOCKED!  The 3 Secrets You Need to Know as a First Time Boater 1-Hour Training ($Priceless)

 BONUS #7 Welcome to Your CONNECT Community & Facebook Group "Boat Ownership   Secrets UNLOCKED!" (Value Priceless!)

Total Value $1,257

But today you're getting all of this for $7

For Only $7.00

"Have Boating Freedom And Family Fun Times Through Life On The Water, Like A Pro First-time Boat Buyer"

The Trouble With Buying a Boat When You're New 

  • You buy the wrong boat: And the devastation you experience after you realise this, is crushing.  This is 100% avoidable.
  • It costs you an arm and a leg in unexpected maintenance: And explaining this to your partner is often difficult and they want to know why you didn't do your homework before hand
  • The boat breaks down on the first trip: Your family (and you) are very scared and disappointed, and it puts them off the whole idea of boating.  You need to be towed in, rescued. They don't want to go out with you again. 
  • You didn't realise how much it was going to cost to own a boat: And you have that horrible, sinking feeling you are being ripped off and taken advantage of.
  • ​Maintenance can be a nightmare: And it leaves a bitter taste in your mouth, spoiling your boating experience.  Not being able to get on top of this, you're frustrated and worn down and decide to sell your boat. You give up on your dream.
  • You lose boating confidence: You bought the wrong boat and now you're confidence in handling the boat, running the boat and enjoying the boating lifestyle is eroded.  Your boat sits without being used, depreciating and you sell at a large loss.
  • ​And this is just the start of the list....

Take Action NOW to Avoid This

"The Blueprint to Unlocking Boat Ownership Secrets"  WILL HELP YOU

Click on the Link Now for Instant Access.............
For Only $7.00

Yes... for about the price of a pizza, you can get access to a framework that took me over 25 years to create and perfect... 

YES DIONE! Give Me Instant Access To The Blueprint to Unlocking Boat Ownership Secrets & Toolkit RIGHT NOW For Just $7.00 !

How To Fast-track Your "Picking A Winning Boat & Deal" Results

  • Easier than you think to pick the best boat 
  • ​Gives you the keys to find deals in the market
  • ​STOP worrying about how to get the right boat delivered 
  • ​Unlock the secrets to having stress free boating and guaranteed after sales & maintenance support faster and easier than you ever dreamed possible
  • Gives you real world insight into answering the question "How do I buy a boat with ease, reliability and safety of inspection, transaction and dispute resolution?"  
  • ​Get past the idea that everybody else seems to be able to find great deals once and forever
  • ​Get exactly what you need to get on the water with friends and family every time.
At This Point You Might be Asking "Who is BASCO Boating and How Can BASCO Help Me?"

We're the global team who teaches First-Time and Expatriate boaters how to find and buy the right boat at the right price, and get the right experience to be successful on the water.

- We've been doing this for over 35 years

- We've helped thousands of people all over the world just like you get on the water, stay on the water with their family and friends

- Our mission is to help people just like you go from being unsure about boating, to complete confidence in exactly how to get on the water, into the boating community and transform your life, and your family's life, overnight, even with no boating experience

- What we do works

But don't just take my word for it, take a look at this...

On the right are BASCO's Co-Founders William & Dione Schick

What Others Are Saying About Our Framework...

When Pro First-time Boat Buyers Have "Buying The Right Boat At The Right Price" Problems, Here's What They Do ... 
Let me share a recent example of John & Gaye

- They were experienced sailors, a professional couple that had been Expats for more than 5 years

- They’d sailed on friend’s boats

- But despite their experience, they were stuck and unable to move forward with their dream to take a few years off work and sail the around world

- There was a fear that they wouldn’t be able to make their dream a reality …as their previous boat deal had fallen through and… they were very disappointed

- He wasn’t technical at all, but she was up for it, learning all she could, getting her hands dirty, documenting everything and saying ‘yes’ to maintenance masterclasses!

- We worked with them, ……and it was fantastic to attend their ‘boat warming’ party

-  They’re pretty thrilled, ….they got their dream on track as well as getting everything they wanted in a boat at the right price and quality

- And they're much more confident, maintenance-wise

- Their boat is now prepared and ready for them to head off!  

Here's what they said...

Meet Stephen C. a First-Time Boat Buyer

Not only has this framework worked for me, when we bought our first boat 10 years ago, but here is a story about Stephen, who was in the same position recently, and look at the transformation he's had in just 6 short months.

- First time boat buyer, expat, 3 kids

- Wanted to look at buying a boat

- Insistent that he was the hardest bargainer ever and that was of utmost importance to him

- Had a USD70k budget, it was initially less but he progressively increased it

- He didn’t know whether he wanted flybridge, no-flybridge, 28’ or 48’  and had no idea what it cost to own a boat, he didn’t even have his licence

- He was ‘just browsing’ and initially didn’t want to engage with us, he thought we were brokers for the owner.  We are buyer's advisers, also called a buyer's broker.

- He soon realized we would introduce him to the whole market and work with him through the 9 step blueprint

-  Soon Stephen was getting super excited, he’d got his licence and he’d got his bonus. He wanted to move fast

-  But, I sat down with him at Step 5, pulled out the ‘8 Costly Boat Buying Mistakes’ one-pager and stepped him through them one by one

- His risk area was he that may be jumping in way too fast

- He had to slow down and finish the steps one by one

- We found and negotiated for him, an amazing deal. The two brokers that had the boat listed didn't even want to present the offer to the owner. They were too scared of what the owner would say as it was a great deal for Stephen

- Do you know what the boat owner said when William called him?  He exclaimed "Are you bringing me the best news I am going to hear all year, do you have an offer for me?"

- William said yes. He explained Stephen's situation, his family dreams and hopes, the children, the boating lifestyle – his budget (which was lower than the boat value)

- The owner said, : that’s exactly how I was when I first started boating. That’s OK, I’ll take that offer"

-  Stephen's family took delivery. Stephen said to William ‘I am the hero in my family. My kids love me and my wife loves me. I never thought I would ever own such a boat. I am beyond happy’

- We worked through all the framework steps with Stephen, and unlocked those boat ownership and boat buying secrets. He got the full picture, and a deal of a lifetime.

This is what he said... (thank you Stephen)...

Here's The Secret To Pick The Boat That Will Transform Your Life, Overnight -

Knowing all the Facts and "Eye's Wide Open!"

5 Facts You Need to Know About Buying a Boat Today

  • FACT #1: First-Time Boat Buyers are increasing. More than one-third of those who have purchased new and pre-owned powerboats in 2020 year are first-time boat buyers.
  • FACT #2: 42 percent of first-time boat buyers leave boating before they hit a 5-year ownership milestone.
  • FACT #3: The majority of first-time boat buyers didn't have some one to turn to who they could trust to give them advice on buying and owning a boat.  
  • FACT #4: First-time boat buyers are often derailed in their boat purchases as they often don't learn about expenses and maintenance costs until the last minute.  This erodes the trust they have with the dealer.
  • ​FACT #5: 66% of people who stopped shopping for their first boat said they did not have a helpful experience at the boat dealership.
  • Get All The Facts Before You Leap In. Know All the Boat Costs & Pros and Cons.  Having your "Eyes Wide Open" to the costs BUT also to All the Amazing Boating Lifestyle Possibilities is our wish you for!
Here's Exactly What You Get  With Your Copy Of "The Blueprint to Unlocking Boat Ownership Secrets!"(For Just $7.00)

The Blueprint to Unlocking Boat Ownership Secrets ($497 Value)

- 10-Pages including the summary framework plus 9 x one-pager cheat sheets that summarise each of the 9 steps.

- This framework makes it a snap for you to find the right information, support and tools needed to buy the right boat. 

- Shows you where to find that elusive insider information to get your boating challenges addressed quickly so you can you can achieve your boating goals faster. 

- To know once and for all the full costs and risks of what it costs to buy and maintain a boat, and even if you should!

- Find out the real truth about boat ownership and maintenance so you can move forward, while avoid risking family finances and safety by making a costly mistake, or stay stuck by doing nothing!

- And so much more...

Plus ACT NOW and You'll Get All Of These Bonuses For FREE!
Bonus #1 - Boat Industry Secrets 
The 3, no, 4 things boat dealers don't want you to know (and what to do about it)!

Total Value: $47
- This e-Book makes it easy for you to understand boat industry practices.

- Then you'll know the pitfalls ahead of time and avoid disappointment by knowing how it works and what to expect when the unexpected happens.

- Keep your boating dreams on track even and blast through any obstacles on the way to life on the water. 

Get This For FREE When You Order 'The Blueprint to Unlocking Boat Ownership Secrets!' Today! 
Bonus #2 - How to Buy a Boat Without Making a Costly Mistake 

The 3 Stages to Boat Buying gives you real world insight into answering the question "How do I buy a boat with ease, reliability and safety of inspection, transaction and dispute resolution?"  
Total Value: $97
- This framework makes it simple for you to understand the 3 stages to buying a boat and the risks at each stage

- Know how to avoid nasty, expensive and disappointing boat buying mistakes. 

- Truly understand why some people get on the water and live their wildest dreams and how you can too. 

Get This For FREE When You Order The Blueprint to Unlocking Boat Ownership Secrets! Today! 
Bonus #3 - Boat Buyers Profiling Tool & Wish List Keeper 
 Learn How the Profiling Tool & Wish List Gives You An Unfair Advantage With Buying The Right Boat At The Right Price
Total Value: $297
- This fillable checklist & wish list makes it a snap for you to identify and track your ever changing boat preferences

- Profiles your wants vs needs so you can focus on exactly the right boat 

- Know how to get access to the best boat deals and the right boat info  

- Spend your time enjoying life on the water rather than hunched over a keyboard waiting to pounce on the next deal

- Save the information to pass to your boat adviser so you can easily and logically hone in on the right "one" with the info all in one place

Get This For FREE When You Order The Blueprint to Unlocking Boat Ownership Secrets! Today! 
Bonus #4 - VIP Lifetime Access to the 2-Day Virtual Boat Buyer Expo 
With step-by-step details, you'll learn techniques that can help you ditch the boating industry overwhelm and save thousands along the way...
Total Value: $69
- This virtual extravaganza for first time boaters is your solution to boating info gaps!

-  30+ boating industry experts reveal how to prepare for boat ownership, select the best boat for your lifestyle and budget, and maintain your dream vessel... 

- Learn strategies that will allow you to enjoy the boating lifestyle you dream of with less stress and lower cost... 

- Get access to the downloadable transcripts so you can read on the go rather than watching the interviews and sessions!

Get This For FREE When You Order The Blueprint to Unlocking Boat Ownership Secrets! Today! 
Bonus #5 - Discover Your Boating Lifestyle "IQ"! (BLIQ)  
"Why One First-Time Boat Buyer Fails And Another Succeeds"
Total Value: $297
- This unique system makes it a snap for you to get a sneak preview into your readiness for the boating lifestyle. 

Identify potential blind spots so you can avoid costly boat buying mistakes. 

- Reach your goals of life and freedom on the water faster than you ever dreamed possible and transform your life!

- Includes a free review and analysis with our professional boat advisers so you can implement faster and avoid mistakes

Get This For FREE When You Order The Blueprint to Unlocking Boat Ownership Secrets! Today! 
Bonus #6 - Boat Ownership Secrets "UNLOCKED" 1-Hour Training  
"What Everybody Ought To Know About Buying The Right Boat At The Right Price"
Total Value: $Priceless
- SECRET #1 Why First-Time Boaters pay more than experienced boaters

SECRET #2 Maintenance can be a NIGHTMARE for First-Time Boaters

- SECRET #3 There are honest owners (and brokers) and why you want to avoid the others

- 60-minutes of incredible insider boating information that can change the course of your boating experience and life!

Get This For FREE When You Order The Blueprint to Unlocking Boat Ownership Secrets! Today! 
Bonus #7 - Welcome to Your CONNECT Community & Facebook Group "Boat Ownership Secrets UNLOCKED!"
"3 Signs You're Failing as a First-Time Boat Buyer"
Total Value: $Priceless

- Insufficient nautical know how, lack of price and cost transparency and low boat buying confidence.

- With access to BASCO Connect Community via the exclusive Facebook Group you'll get early bird access to the upcoming free events to learn from experienced boaters

- BASCO Connect is "Dedicated to bringing people in the boating community together" to help you solve your boating challenges

- Our community hosts a range of free events to network, connect and expand the boating community and to share the joys and pleasures of the boating lifestyle!!

Get This For FREE When You Order The Blueprint to Unlocking Boat Ownership Secrets! Today! 
There Is NO CATCH!

(only this Fishy one in the Photo)

I'm doing this because I remember what it's like to struggle with buying the right boat and I want to help as many people as I can succeed.  

I'm doing this because I'd love to chat with you to help you succeed in buying your boat.

I'm doing this because for more than 30 years I've seen boat buyers go from broker to broker to broker looking for straight forward answers to boating questions and trusted advice...

All you need to do is register below and you can get started right away (even if it's 2:00 a.m. in the morning!).

Time Is Of The Essence...
This is a LIMITED OFFER at this price.

Now, this framework offer can't last forever... So don't wait!

I certainly can't keep this up forever, the bonuses will go away in the near future, so if you want to get the guaranteed boat buying results with your one framework that shows it all (well, it's 10 pages really, the one-pager framework is complemented by the detail in the 9 individual steps), so grab it now before its gone.

And the great news is, you're fully protected with...

My "You've Gotta Be Crazy" Guarantee

If for ANY REASON you don't love it, I'll refund your money and you can still keep access to the framework and get value from it in the future.

You Must Act Fast!
Here's One Last Recap Of Everything You'll Get today When You Order My Blueprint to Unlocking Boat Ownership Secrets!
YES DIONE! Give Me Instant Access To The Blueprint to Unlocking Boat Ownership Secrets! & Toolkit RIGHT NOW For Just $7.00 !
  Instant Access To "The Blueprint to Unlocking Boat Ownership Secrets"  (Value $497)
  Full Access To Boat Industry Secrets (The 4 things boat dealers don't want you to know and what to do about it) (Value $47)
  Instant Access To The Boat Buyers Profiling Tool & Boat Wish List Keeper (Value $297)
  Full Access to The 3 Stages to Boat Buying & How to Buy a Boat Without Making a Costly Mistake (Value $97)
  VIP Lifetime access to the 2-Day Virtual Boat Buyer Expo   (Value $69)
  Discover Your Boating Lifestyle "IQ"! (BLIQ) (Value $250)
  Boat Ownership Secrets UNLOCKED! 1-Hr Training (Value $Priceless)
  Welcome to Your CONNECT Community & Facebook Group "Boat Ownership Secrets UNLOCKED!" (Value $Priceless)
Total Value: $1,257
Today Just $7

That's pretty much everything.  If you want to get on the water with friends, or buy the perfect boat for your family or yourself, without making a mistake or buying the wrong boat, this is the framework & toolkit to show you exactly how to do it, guaranteed.  We hope to see you on the boating lifestyle inside!

Thanks again,

Dione Schick

P.S. If you want to find the right boat at the right price, with the right experience along the way, to transform your life with boating and friends & family on the water, this is a great way to get there.  This framework is proven to help you do just that no matter whether your an Expat boater, or new to boating.  To make it even better you can get the whole access to boating blueprint along with the entire toolkit as a bonus.  Act NOW, your satisfaction is guaranteed.

YES DIONE! Give Me Instant Access To 'The Blueprint to Unlocking Boat Ownership Secrets!' RIGHT NOW For Just $7.00 !
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Everything Your Going To Get
  • Instant Access To The Blueprint to Unlocking Boat Ownership Secrets! (Value $497)
  • Full Access To Boat Industry Secrets (The 4 things boat dealers don't want you to know and what to do about it) (Value $47)
  • Instant Access Boat Buyers Profiling Tool & Boat Wish List Keeper (Value $297)
  • ​Full Access To The 3 Stages to Boat Buying & How to Buy a Boat Without Making a Costly Mistake (Value $97)
  • ​VIP Lifetime access to the Virtual 2-Day Boat Buyer Expo (Value $69)
  • Your Boating Lifestyle "IQ" (BLIQ) Report (Value $250)
  • ​Boat Ownership Secrets UNLOCKED! 1-Hr Training (Value Priceless!)
  • ​Welcome to Your CONNECT Community & Facebook Group "Boat Ownership Secrets UNLOCKED!" (Value Priceless!)
Total Value: $1,257
Today Just $7

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One 15 Marina Club,

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